Pilot partner required for ForGood Carbon Units: the permanent removal of atmospheric CO2 to be stored in the soil carbon pool

Hello Community!

We are helping SoilCquest, a not-for-profit soil carbon research institute who have pioneered a new way to permanently retire carbon into the soil. So in short, Resetting instead of Offsetting - a win-win-win-win as this permanently removes atmospheric CO2; companies can reset (rather than offset) with a 100% tax deductible donation; Aussie farmers are paid for the retirement process, and the soil benefits from nutrients and hydration from the process itself.

SoilCquest are looking for partners.

So potential ways to get involved are:

  1. Pilot partner for the program
  2. Donations

With your donations, SoilCquest can validate this product and set a new standard for carbon units. As they are a registered charity, all donations are 100% tax deductible and your organisation will be involved in the highest-impact carbon credit to date.

Link for more information.

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